MY BLOG .....

Welcome to my blog ..well how are you today ? The weather is certainly changeable .Yet i have to say i still love the outdoors really does not matter when you are around horses what you look like and in honesty the fresh air stimulates your mind and body and makes you feel alive ..I find i am more creative even when i take Bella for a walk ..and we meet different people every day .Today is My horses Birthday he is 15 so happy birthday to my King Agadir .Hes such a handsome boy but very kind and has been taught to always respect people .I have been deliberating whether to breed from him this year due to the climate change and as he is a warmblood he is sensitive to being out in most weather ..if its too hot he doesnt like the flies or if its raining it ruins his image ..But he sure loves a haynet and the mares...i do love foals and watching them grow ..this is his filly out of Ghostbuster who i sadly lost in 2014 in foaling as she prolapsed ...a sad day and maybe the reason for my hestitation